Update: Why engage in e-science
3/04 (pointed out by
"According to Professor Tony Hey, head of the UK's e-Science Core Programme, academic librarians 'are concentrating on only half the plot'. These days, he says, his students in computing and engineering, and others in scientific disciplines like particle physics and astronomy, do not use the university library much, if at all; often they use only the online journals, so 'there needs to be a refocusing of what libraries do'. This doesn't mean that university librarians are redundant. Far from it - they have an absolutely vital role to play, but it is one which many of them currently ignore."
While I like being called vital (well, I'm
Special not Academic, but) I have some big problems with some of his statements. He basically only wants us around as "curators" and catalogers. I work with
people. I help people figure out what they need and then find the information. Computers will only frustrate someone in a hurry while I can comfort them with a correct, quick response. We will continue to be needed as intermediaries.