Revisiting the "don't believe citation analysis" issue
This discussion came up at least twice in my time at BloggerConII. First, in the Librarianesque session then later in the Emotional Life of Blogs session.
Here are several papers written by a couple of electrical engineers at UCLA:
1. cond-mat/0401529 [
pdf] :
Title: Stochastic modeling of citation slips
Authors: M.V. Simkin, V.P. Roychowdhury
Subj-class: Disordered Systems and Neural Networks; Physics and Society
2. cond-mat/0310049 [
pdf] :
Title: Theory of Aces: Fame by chance or merit?
Authors: M.V. Simkin, V.P. Roychowdhury
Subj-class: Disordered Systems and Neural Networks; Physics and Society
3. cond-mat/0305150 [
pdf] :
Title: Copied citations create renowned papers?
Authors: M.V. Simkin, V.P. Roychowdhury
Subj-class: Disordered Systems and Neural Networks; Physics and Society
4. cond-mat/0212043 [
pdf] :
Title: Read before you cite!
Authors: M.V. Simkin, V.P. Roychowdhury (UCLA)
Subj-class: Disordered Systems and Neural Networks; Statistical Mechanics; Physics and Society
Journal-ref: Complex Syst. 14 (2003) 269-274
I also mentioned how there was an error in reporting that I believe has not been fixed for large Astronomy journals. See: Helmut A. Abt. "Some Incorrect Journal Impact Factors" BAAS v.36 n.1.. Available online (I'm not sure if a subscription is required).