ASIST2006: Access to Scientific Data 2
Access to Scientific Data: The Social and Technical Challenges & Strategies (STI)
Panel 2 of 2
3:30 Wednesday model
Dr. Eastman from NASA GSFC
National Space Science Data Center
Distributed Data Environment
Exploding data sets, declining budgets, interoperability challenges
New to them:
- traditionally one spacecraft that was “a mission”
- multiple spacecraft (up to 1000 in the “constellation”) for simultaneous measurements, and sensor webs that are dynamic adaptive nets of sensors that do not have single point failure modes.
- Need to be able to datamine and re-use data, datafusion, knowledge discovery in databases
- Example use: early warning system for astronauts of solar events that might impact health safety of them, their craft, their instruments
Goal is more or to enable data-driven discovery- new model that’s not theory driven or theory bound (hm… makes me think of some of the arguments on visualization)
{left to go to Dr. Palmer’s presentation}
{came back in the middle of…}
Metadata architecture for use of scientific data
John D’Ignazio (probably)
Great quote: “most of the time we consider it to be part of our competitive edge to know where to find things that other people don’t know how to find or don’t even know they exist”
Update: typo in the title was really bugging me...
Labels: asist2006