But I don't want it in my e-mail...
Amazon just introduced a monthly "podcast" (you'll see why the quotes shortly) with editor's picks of the 7 most important books of the season (Significant Seven). This sounds like a reasonable thing and probably pretty good marketing. Since I still occasionally substitute at the public library and it's hard for me to keep up with what's hot in popular literature, this sounded like something that I might add to my podcatcher... except... wait, there's no feed?!? Really?
I couldn't visually detect the feed and firefox couldn't auto-detect it... Of course I don't want this stupid thing in my in box.
Usually this company gets it, but this seems a bit bizarre. If you want to tell me something regularly in the hopes that I'll buy something, you'd better have a feed. If you have audio files you'd like me to listen to, you'd better have a feed that I can put in my podcatcher. Customizing your page if you're a major search engine makes no difference to me, because I search almost exclusively with the search box in my browser or by using conquery. I guess I'm not typical -- at work my start page is the intranet home page (important) and at home it's blank.
Update 5/14:
They're now real podcasts. (via