Reading Star... I want to go classify something!
I've always appreciated the taxonomists, catalogers, indexers and those who catalog and classify information so that it can be found. I remember turning in my little musical instrument thesaurus in Organizing Information class and feeling a bit gleeful...(mostly to have it done and that I knew a flute is a woodwind). For the most part, though, I have stayed as far away from this stuff as possible and left it to the people who do it well. Now I'm reading some things by Susan Leigh Star and I'm about ready to go out and classify something (is this one of
Mark's intellectual crushes?). It started with:
Star, S. L. (1998). Grounded classification: Grounded theory and faceted classification. Library Trends, 47(2), 218.
now I'm perusing:
Star, S.L. (1999). The ethnography of infrastructure. The American Behavioral Scientist, 43(3), 377.
How can you not love a woman who compares something with the phone book and determines that the phonebook has better narrative structure? :)
I think it is that she writes well and obviously really enjoys her work. Interestingly, she's a sociologist who studied with Strauss. Too much to read, too little time...