My name in lights...
Well lights of the lcd (why do I always have ellipsis or ellipses? in my titles...)
Pikas, C. K. (2007). Communication is the key skill for reference librarians.
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 2(4), Retrieved 12/14/2007 from this was part of a "classics" section. Other classics review: Kuhlthau's ISP, the first RCT in librarianship, one from Urquhart, one from Line (his stuff is always good reading), and one about hospital libraries.
Wow, lots of good stuff in this issue. The TOC is at: hey, before I post: this is basically a peer-reviewed (very thoroughly, thank you!) critical summary of a research article. The purpose of the journal is clear in its title: to move what's learned in LIS research to practice.