Readings completed this week
(posting now, but hope to knock a couple more off this afternoon)
Bowker, G. C., & Star, S. L. (1999).
Sorting things out: Classification and its consequences. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- overall an interesting book - I would just skip the introduction and get to the interesting parts about nursing interventions classification, people classification during apartheid, etc.
Dennis, A. R., & Kinney, S. T. (1998). Testing media richness theory in the new media: The effects of cues, feedback, and task equivocality.
Information Systems Research, 9(3), 256-274.
- carefully and thoroughly debunks Daft and Lengel's media richness theory - people do pick media channels based on richness and things go faster when there are more cues, but matching media richness to task equivocality doesn't improve performance. Previous studies have looked at media choice, not performance.
(previously blogged
Walther & Bunz, so I've now gone back and labeled that comps)
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