IEEE eScience: Classification of Different Approaches for e-Science Applications
Unfortunately not as high a level overview - I mean it was basically a typology of requests for and uses of the European grids - so one level of escience, for sure.
Classification of Different Approaches for e-Science Applications
what is e-science
sits on top of
theory & models + computational techniques + experiment
HPC grids and then others that are HPG (high throughput grid) – national and then European
how do scientists get computational time (similar to like a telescope or other big science) proposal, granted, scheduled...
5 paradigms on deisa
1: simple scripts & control
- write in emacs or whatever
- use unicore client with the scripts - grid middleware does this
2: Scientific Application plug-ins
3: Complex workflow
- example QSAR
4: Interactive access
- more frequently physicists – ssh connection to the machine – to check results during computations
- computational steering – changing parameters on the fly
- collaborative online visualization and computational steering (COVS)
5: Interoperability
- using multiple grids
- grids are 6x and 4x overbooked
- can’t use the same middleware for both of their grids
Labels: IEEEeScience08