Foster: A Nonlinear Model of Information-Seeking Behavior
Allen Foster. “A nonlinear model of information-seeking behavior”
JASIST v55 n3 (Febrary 1, 2004): 228-237. DOI: 10.1002/asi.10359
This article is so cool. I still haven't finished the
Library Trends special issue (v45 i2, Fall 96) on interdisciplinary work, but this article goes along with that. Foster proposes a model for interdisciplinary researchers that is not strictly chronological... moving along in stages as the standard ISPs do.
The relationship of behaviors was described interms of concurrent, continuous, cumulative and looped cycles occurring throughout a research project... there was...a sense of nonsequential behavior in which any behavior could conceivably lead to any other.
It seems to better describe people at work as it briefly mentions the impact of social networks, multiple projects going on at the same time, and never-ending processes.