SLA2008: Charlie Rose interviews Vinton Cerf
At the opening general session.
Vint Cerf is the Chief Internet Evangelist for Google
Charlie Rose starts by thanking us and saying he didn' t realize we had an association (sigh!)
... start at the beginning...
ARPA was created... late 60s... arpanet packet switching... C2 interest and mobile comms
... Gore did as a Senator get funding for NSF net... then as vice president get commercial traffic on network...
...what is the internet today...
like road system or power distribution system - wherever and as much as you need. By 2010 want to get 3billion on net ... mobile penetration is much quicker and conducive bcs no wires. Wants everyone on the planet to have access to the internet in 10 years... but the new technology doesn't supplant the old - in addition. Need broadband, too.
... what is the essence of the internet...
academic world the coin of the realm is knowledge so the design of the internet is completely open and this was during the Cold War. Over the past 30 years the openness has enabled innovation -- don't have to get permission... openness and freedom is the essence
... what is the significance of users being content providers - where are we going with social networks ...
10 hrs of video going into YouTube per minute... lots of content... when we are all sharing... the world's knowledge at your fingertips.
...digitizing of libraries...
googles have been working - at least at digitizing the imagery of books, and OCRing but we are very far from ... but things are being produced digitally now... have to stop thinking of digital objects as analogs of print. Sometimes these complex digital artifacts can't really be represented in print - increasing complexity of digital objects. deeply concerned about digital preservation - if the software is no longer available - sitting atop a pile of mouldering bits
... will google do that...
well google will do some, but other companies that own content might find that if they can no longer support the software that they can make content available on the web for others to find a way to access
... does the new president need to appoint a commission...
not the solution.. needs to be more distributed and there might be more than one solution
science data sharing - example genebank where the journals required submission to archive prior to publication of articles, was a successful example - works that way for astro and atmospheric --
"some people say that information is power - baloney - information sharing is power"
delay destruction tolerant protocols - test them on deep impact, then on ISS then open them to the world and share them to all countries sending stuff to space so then we can repurpose platforms and we can use the store and forward... like Phoenix talking to the Mars orbiters... and build a space network.
... what rules do we need internationally...
we're working with coordinating group... but there will be abuses so how will we work against that? various technological means, and then international agreement (which is complicated)...
but information security is a big deal...
...why can't we end spam...
plug the holes of the vulnerabilites in the browsers, better filtering
solar power to internet cafes and then use satellite internet - help people with the capital cost who want to set up internet cafes
2013-2014 to 75% internet penetration...
we even censor here, but there is no country that doesn't have some access -- even Burma. In the long run necessary for development. In the long run democratizing agent - but potential hazzard bcs [content pay walls prevent access and limit democratizing effect] will search change....
if we are lucky go past statistical matching of strings and get to more semantics
...voice recognition...
BLUE scoring system for VR... google broke the .5 barrier so that an expert can't fix the translation without referring to the original.
"translate out of sight out, of mind as invisible idiot"
... will US continue to lead the way...
let me remove the myth that the internet was designed completely in the U.S.
(missed a bit)
... what's the next big idea
if I knew I'd being doing it... mobile is interesting - screen size of a 1928 tv and keyboard suitable for a 3ft tall person... make it into a universal remote control.
Labels: SLA2008