Christina's LIS Rant
Monday, June 30, 2008
  SLA2008: Social Tools and the Enterprise
In this session Liz Lawley flew through a bunch of cool tools - which I've mostly seen before, but it's worth a reminder.
Her talk was focused on: productivity, presence, privacy, portability, play
Her bookmarks are at: http://del.icio.us/mamamusings/sla08 (if people hadn't been mobbing her I would have mentioned that the standard tag is sla2008, but oh well)

First - she used Flickr with cc license to replace stock photos.

presence - im integrates with calendar (check - we do that at MPOW), facebook newsfeeds, twitter for close friends, IRC backchannels (seems very old school), ambient displays
privacy - selective sharing - not binary off/on, social around something, not just social for social sake
portability - grand central beta - Google tool to play different voicemail message depending who called (I'm not 100% sure, but I think I can do something like this with my Cisco VOIP phone at work - it is integrated with my e-mail, which took some getting used to but I now like), goog411, jott.com (who was I trying to tell about this - I forget)- i should use this for twitter since i don't pay for the text messing package on my phone (yes, I am *so* old school)
productive play - attent, passive multiplayer online gaming. She has some game so that students go on "missions" and get points for visiting the sites on her assignment sheets.


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This is my blog on library and information science. I'm into Sci/Tech libraries, special libraries, personal information management, sci/tech scholarly comms.... My name is Christina Pikas and I'm a librarian in a physics, astronomy, math, computer science, and engineering library. I'm also a doctoral student at Maryland. Any opinions expressed here are strictly my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer or CLIS. You may reach me via e-mail at cpikas {at} gmail {dot} com.

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Christina's LIS Rant by Christina K. Pikas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Christina Kirk Pikas

Laurel , Maryland , 20707 USA
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